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Godspeed You! Black Emperor at Dom im Berg on 23.11.2019

The Canadian group around Redelsführer Efrim Menuck were founded in 1994 and named after a Japanese black and white documentary and they wrote indie music history with their now legendary and much quoted debut album F♯ A♯ ∞. Their sustained and expansive musical style, interspersed with subliminal coquetry and socio-political concepts of struggle, often described by audiences and critics as apocalyptic, has always brought the global underground countless imitators and significantly defined numerous genres in and around the concept of post-rock and beyond. Despite or even because of their idiosyncratic staging, underpinned by intellectual pathos and lived nonconformist attitudes, the band now manifests a kind of cross-genre consensus status and continuously unites countless music enthusiasts of all kinds under their collective banner of slowness.
The up-and-coming Danish saxophonist Mette Rasmussen, currently possibly known for her glorious contribution to the last album of Improrock veterans Moe as well as from numerous collaborations with other "young savages" such as contemporary drummer Chris Corsano or Mopcut guitarist Julien Desprez, provides effective contrasting support. Godspeed indeed!
Get your tickets at, or Dux Records.
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